If I could trade in a sibling like a car, she'd be the upgrade..

Penny Arcade



Coming soon...


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Vegas: tales of music, hookers, liquor and lightning.

Ever been so friggin' tired that you actually feel amped and awake, but sort of in a daze?

That's me this very second, staring vaguely at the screen trying to convince my fingers to type something.

5 days in Vegas
2 surprisingly great bands
Free booze (total bottle count still being debated)
1 Limo
15 incredibly awesome friends/coworkers/sinners
1 intense lightning storm
1 hooker ***

...god I can't wait to go back.

More to come!!


*** Editor's Note: I should clarify - the hooker in question was a hysterically funny, drunken moment of comedy gold involving one coworker, a lotta booze, and what he THOUGHT was just a very friendly, attractive lady riding the escalator with us.

Please note: NO money was exchanged. NO sex was had. Plenty of laughing, however.

Quote of the night: "Dude I didn't know they were allowed INSIDE the casinos!"


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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

I'm old. I'm only 30, but some days I feel *old*. I have a beautiful 6 year old daugher. A nice life. A loving family. A gorgeous girlfriend. Yep, pretty boring. But dammit I'm here to write about it and you can't stop me!

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