If I could trade in a sibling like a car, she'd be the upgrade..

Penny Arcade



Coming soon...


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Unspoken is never the answer...

Life continues to amaze me. You'd think at this point in the game, surprises wouldn't be so...surprise-ey, right? But noooo no - Life is always looking for the punchline and I play right into it like a mark waiting to get duped by a street-corner game of 3-Card Monty.

Last evening, my dearest wanted to hit our usual weekday spot and grab a quick drink. Having had a pretty rough day, I knew things weren't totally kosher, but it seemed like she just didn't want to talk about it, which I understood. Eventually we did get into the cause of the crappy Monday, chatted it over while we enjoyed cold Coronas and the ever-sporty atmosphere of our beloved Slugger's. No worries, right?

Well, still. Something didn't seem right, and I just couldn't bring myself to think that it was anything positive. You know that feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop? Well, that was what I was feeling then and there, especially given the conversation we'd had prior to ducking out for a cancer stick.

Ok, just relax. Either she's being frustrated by outside crap infringing on The Happiness, or you're about to get the 'hey let's be friends' speech. Gird your loins my friend - this may not end well.

I know I know. I do my very best to NOT be that glass-is-half-empty person, but sometimes it's just inevitable.

Deep breath and patience. Oh...here it comes.

And then she said it. Almost inaudibly, given our surroundings. But she said it, and I heard it...and. Well, let's just say it takes a lot to stun me into a complete stupified silence, but she'd pulled it off.

After recovering myself and letting things sink in a little, and by that I mean thank God for beer at-hand - well, I just couldn't stop smiling like a complete buffoon. Being mentally prepared for knowing that the person YOU love is not in the same place you are just yet - that's one thing. I had happily resigned myself to waiting patiently, knowing that when the time was right, she would know, I would know...and it would be a wonderful thing. Once you get yourself into that Waiting mode, pushing certain things to the background so they don't manifest as 'pressure' and cause problems, it's a hell of a thing when you get completely 180'd like that.
All I could really do was sit there, trying to hide my goofy ear-to-ear grinning...I grabbed her hand, looked right into those beautiful eyes and replied in kind, and I don't think I've stopped smiling since.

The most ironic and appropriate side-note of the evening was that it all took place at the very table, on the very same stools where we had first met, talked, got to know each other amidst games of pool, too many shots and throwing of cell phones. It seemed so fitting...like we'd managed to make it around that particular merry-go-round in one piece and found ourselves happier than we were when we started, and looking forward to the next big adventures in life - together. Falling in love with her...hell, that was the easy part. My test was and will remain being worthy of her love, and I fully intend to continue rising to that challenge :)

*sigh* I know it's silly, but I do lead a charmed little life, and I've never been quite this pleased with where Life's funny punchlines are taking me.


Ok enough with the sappy kissy-face crap - make with the fun here, and I hope everyone is having a delightful Wednesday afternoon.

- Since I'm on Poor status for the next week or so, I haven't gotten to see Borat yet, but it's #1 on the list of things to waste money on in the very near future.

In the mean time, go watch the trailer, then enjoy Borat on Letterman:

There's plenty more of Borat fun -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWflK8V1ERo


- Yes, I KNOW the YouTube-ry is getting out of hand, but someone *just* sent me this via Fark.com and it's brilliant:

Office Space: Recut



Comments on "Unspoken is never the answer..."


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:29 PM) : 

You'll always be worthy of that:)

Watch out for the punchlines though, around me they normally knock people out!


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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

I'm old. I'm only 30, but some days I feel *old*. I have a beautiful 6 year old daugher. A nice life. A loving family. A gorgeous girlfriend. Yep, pretty boring. But dammit I'm here to write about it and you can't stop me!

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